Clinicopathologic Study on Liver Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer. With Special Reference to Subserosal Venous Invasion of Primary Lesion and Liver Metastasis.:With Special Reference to Subserosal Venous Invasion of Primary Lesion and Liver Metastasis
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Histopathological studies of primary colorectal lesions were conducted with a view to elucidating the mechanism of liver metastasis of colorectal cancer. Since initial results revealed a strong correlation between subserosal venous invasion (ssv (+)) and liver metastasis, the size of the invaded veins was further investigated by measuring the maximum diameters of the elastic fibrous rings of venous walls double-stained with VHE, and the following results were obtained. (1)Maximum diameters exceeding 400 microns occurred with high prevalencein cases with liver metastasis. (2) Maximum diameters up to 700 microns occurred with high prevalence in cases of heterochronic liver metastasis, and above 700 microns with high prevalence in isochronic cases. (3)Maximum diameters exceeding 1300 microns were highly prevalent in H3 cases. The aforesaid results suggested that vascular dissemination of cancer cells increased concomitantly with invasion of larger veins, resulting in early hepatic implantation and isochronic manifestation of metastatic lesions, as well as higher probability of multiple hepatic implantation and progression to stage H3.
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- Clinicopathologic Study on Liver Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer. With Special Reference to Subserosal Venous Invasion of Primary Lesion and Liver Metastasis.:With Special Reference to Subserosal Venous Invasion of Primary Lesion and Liver Metastasis