A statistical study on the development of diverticulosis of the digestive tract.
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To evaluate chronological changes in the incidence of diverticulosis of the digestive tract, we studied the annual detection rates of diverticulosis of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum and colon in out-and in-patients who underwent upper gastrointestinal fluorography or barium enema examination in our department between 1972 and 1986. <BR>Diverticuloses of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum were observed in 1.02 %, 0.15 and 3.94, respectively, among 15, 274 patients who has undergone upper gastrointestinal fluorography over the past 15 years. Colonic diverticulosis was found in 4.88 % of 9, 066 who and erwent barium enema study during the same period. The annual detection rates of esophageal and dudenal colonic diverticuloses gradually increased between 1972 and 1988, the increase in colonic diverticulosis being prominent. <BR>For birth cohort analysis, the patients were divided into 5 groups according to their birth years, 1905 and 1954. This analysis revealed that the detection rate of duodenal and colonic diverticulosis increased each group with increasing age. The patients born in more recent years had a higher detection rate than those born earlier. <BR>These results suggest that aging plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diverticulosis the digestive tract, and that additional factor (s) may be involved in duodenal and colonic diverticulosis.
棟方 昭博
吉田 豊
中路 重之
岩根 覚
太田 昌徳
佐野 正明
土田 成紀
畑田 康政
加藤 裕昭
Aisawa T.
Department of Endoscopy, Aomori Prefectural Central Hospital
棟方 昭博
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