An application of Duhamel-Ikeda's operation for ulcerative colitis.
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Recently a modification of Duhamel's operation using Ikeda's crushing forceps has been performed on a case of ulcerative colitis. The patient was a 33-year-old man who had suffered from ulcerative colitis for 15 years and in whom ascendicostomy had been carried out 13 years previously.<BR>Duhamel-Ikeda's operation was the only option remaining for preservation of continence, because of the existence of severe rectosigmoidal stenosis.<BR>This operation for ulcerative colitis is considered moderate with regard to radicalness and continence in comparison with other sphincter-preserving operations. This procedure is remarkably free from complications, requires little pelvic dissection and can be safely performed on adults as well as infants.<BR>It is suggested that a rectal pouch may be helpful as a fecal reservoir.
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- An application of Duhamel-Ikeda's operation for ulcerative colitis.