- 論文の詳細を見る
Diagnosis of Campylobacter infection of the intestinal tract has become possible at 1979 because of widespread availability of selective culture media for Campylobacter jejuni. It is estimated that Camylobacter jejuni is the most frequently isolated organism from stool of patients with acute diarrhea in recent years in Japan.<BR>The site of lesion in Campylobacter infection of the intestinal tract had been considered to be limited to the jejunum and ileum. Longfield has pointed out the presence of colonic lesion in Campylobacter infection of the intestinal tract in 1978. Recently it has become evident that the prevalence of colonic involvement is high. Patients who were diagnosed as having idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease on clinical and endoscopic grounds in the past when the stool culture of Campylobacter had not been possible might have been suffering from unrecognized Campylobacter colitis. Consequently Campylobacter colitis should be ruled out before diagnosing idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease.<BR>Many aspects of Campylobacter infection of the intestinal tract are reviewed here with a brief mention on Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection of the intestinal tract.
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