CT evaluation of locally recurrent rectal cancer.
- 論文の詳細を見る
From April 1979 to February 1984, fifty patients with locally recurrent rectal cancer following abdomino-perineal (AP) resection for rectal cancer were reviwed. In order to observe the pelvic anatomy, base-line CT studies were performed immediately after AP resection in all cases. Signs of local recurrence were seen on CT for all patients The pelivic anatomy following sugical resection of rectal cancer can be clearly imaged by CT. <BR>Pelvic recurrence usually, presents as a mass with soft tissue density that is frequently invading adjacent structures, particularly deep pelvic muscles and the posterior wall of the bladder. <BR>There are some limitations in the CT evaluation for recurrent mass due to difficulty in differentiating malignancy from granuloma. CT, however, is useful for making a diagnosis of recurrent tumors and for observing the shape, internal structure of the tumor and invasion to the adjacent tissue.
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- CT evaluation of locally recurrent rectal cancer.