IV. Study of Ten Year Survival Rates and New Staging of the 325 patients with Rectoanal Carcinoma
- 論文の詳細を見る
The ten year survival rates of 325 patients with rectoanal carcinoma were studied with use of Dukes classification, treated groups and the classification of Japanese research society for cancer of colon and rectum. Survival rates for the group within each classification were calculated by the life table method. By describing the relative survival rate curve of the three classifications, the authors have tried to obtain the standard error (±2σ). The pro-gnosis of each stage within the classifications were compared with each other by means of the statistical method (p<0.05). It was made clear that the classification of the Japanese reseach society for cancer of colon and rectum contained several problems in the staging. Then, the authors presented a new staging which excluded the above mentioned problems. The characteristics of this new staging of carcinoma of the colon and rectum correlate with survival and not only consider pathological factors but clinical factors as well.
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- IV. Study of Ten Year Survival Rates and New Staging of the 325 patients with Rectoanal Carcinoma
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