3. Traction of Buttocks with Adhesive Tapes as a Treatment for Prolonged Healing of Anal Wound
- 論文の詳細を見る
Anal wounds after minor ano-rectal surgery are usually treated so as to achieve healing by secondary intention with granulation tissue. When wounds in the anal cleft are treated on this line, they require extremely long period for complete healing. This might be due to mechanical abrasion and poor drainage of the wounds induced by closely contacted buttocks on both sides. In a ninteen-year-old female patient with postfistulectomy wound at the bottom of the anal cleft, healing of which had been prolonged for four and a half months, continuous seperation of both buttocks by traction with two strips of adhesive tape fasted to both the anterior iliac spines resulted in complete healing of the wound in a short period of 15 days thereafter.<BR>This treatment to tract both buttocks for the purpose of keeping rest of wounds and acheiving good drainage from them might be useful for postoperative anal wounds, especially for those in the anal cleft.
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- 3. Traction of Buttocks with Adhesive Tapes as a Treatment for Prolonged Healing of Anal Wound
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