Pathological Study of Rectal Carcinoma:On Cellular Atypism of Rectal Carcinoma
- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study was made to histopathologically examine 85 resected materials of rectal carcinoma. The following were the major findings in the study : 1. Rectal carcinoma is a malignant lesion which is circular on the surface, with its cross section assuming a focal reversed conical shape, which forms an ulcer if it exceeds 3 cm. in diameter on its surface, and which histologically is well differentiated, with relatively less invasion of blood vessels, and is associated with considerably clear tissue reactions in the surrounding tissue, and grows slowly. 2. Ten items that should be used as indices to atypism were chosen from the cells, nuclei and nucleoli of rectal carcinoma cells, to observe the degrees of atypism of each index in severe, moderate and mild degrees ; and the findings of the ten items were aggregated to express the degree of atypism. Thus, the degrees of atypism of rectal carcinoma cells may be considered more objective, and assessed accurately. The degrees of cellular atypism of rectal carcinoma cells were milder, and varied less widely from case to case, than those of gastric carcinoma. The degrees of cellular atypism in the peripheral area were higher than those in the central area, but this difference was not so striking as in gastric carcinoma.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
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- Pathological Study of Rectal Carcinoma:On Cellular Atypism of Rectal Carcinoma