Preparation of Ultrafine Stannic Oxide Particle via Gas-phase Chemical Reaction
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A series of experiments was carried out to prepare the ultrafine particle of stannic oxide via gas phase chemical reaction. The effect of reaction conditions, such as the partial pressure of SnCl<SUB>4</SUB> vapor and of O<SUB>2</SUB> or H<SUB>2</SUB>O, reaction temperature and the residence time, was investigated. <BR> The identification, mean size, size distribution and shape of particles were studied by X-ray diffraction, T. E. M. observation and B. E. T. specific surface area measurement. <BR> The products were identified as stannic oxide, white in color, several tens of nm in size, platelike in shape. The average size of oxide particles become smaller with lower P<SUB>SnCl<SUB>4</SUB></SUB> and higher P<SUB>H<SUB>2</SUB>O</SUB> and higher temperature. The residence time had materially no effect.
- 日本エアロゾル学会の論文
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