Transformer feedback millimeter-wave VCO with capacitance cancellation technique in 0.18-µm CMOS
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This paper describes a design procedure for mm-wave voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), based on large signal behavior of oscillator transconductance. Then, a new structure of LC-VCO is presented, which utilizes a transformer feedback to enhance the transconductance of the core transistors and to cancel the undesired parasitic effects. Using a 0.18-µm RF CMOS technology, the advantage of this VCO is examined by large signal analysis and simulation. The results illustrate improvement of 5dB in phase-noise and 70% in tuning-range, compared to enhanced active gain conventional transformer feedback VCO. Finally, a compact layout for transformer design is proposed.
論文 | ランダム
- 発生・代謝遺伝子として注目を浴びるフォークヘッド遺伝子
- 22q11欠失症候群の遺伝子医学 (特集 新展開を見せる心血管病)
- 明らかになってきたフォークヘッド遺伝子の器官形成における役割
- 神経堤細胞の発生と分化 (〔2001年〕12月第5土曜特集 発生学から再生医療へ) -- (器官発生のメカニズム 器官発生)
- 細胞内コレステロール代謝はどのように調節されるか