2-Methyl-4-amino-6-methoxy-s-triazine (CV 399)の脳波学的研究
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The effect of 2-methyl-4-amino-6-methoxy-s-triazine (CV 399) on the central nervous system was evaluted in cats. All the arousal response induced by midbrain reticular formation and posterior hypothalamus stimulation, the recruiting and augmenting responses by nucleus centralis medialis and leminiscus medialis stimulation and the spindle burst by nucleus caudate stimulation were not affected by this agent in curarized cats. Spontaneous EEG was not significantly changed by single administration of this agent in curarized cats and by repeated administration subacutely in the cat with chronically implanted electrodes. On the other hand, the agent markedly prolonged the duration of after-discharges produced by dorsal hippocampus and lateral amygdala stimulation in acute preparations including “enceéphale isolé” cats and chronic preparations. These results suggest that the limbic system is most susceptible to this agent and the effect on this system is probably related to the clinical psychostimulant action of this agent.
- 社団法人 日本薬理学会の論文
千葉 祐広
武田薬品 中央研究所
名川 雄児
千葉 祐広
油井 亨
千葉 祐広
名川 雄児
名川 雄児
油井 亨
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