Colchicine transdermal tape based on polyurethane adhesive.
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Colchicine transdermal tapes were prepared for the treatment of gout, using segmented polyurethane adhesives (SPUA) as the drug reservoir. Drug-releasing properties of SPUA were examined, together with the absorption properties of the drug in rats. As a control, hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) was used as the drug reservoir. The release rate of colchicine from the SPUA tape was higher than that from the HPC tape. The percent drug released from the SPUA tape was 90% and about 40% higher than that from the HPC tape, when compared at a drug concentration of 5%, 75 mimutes after the start of the experiment. The colchicine concentration in skin and muscles increased with time and the drug concentration, when the SPUA tape was used. However, the colchicine concentration in plasma became constant after 1 hour, and remained the same level 10 hours later. The colchicine concentration in plasma was not dependent on the drug concentration.
- 日本DDS学会の論文
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