アンチセンス技術の医薬品への応用 - 抗炎症役としての可能性 -
- 論文の詳細を見る
Antisense DNA are able to bind to complementary sequences in DNA, pre-mRNA, mRNA and thus, interrupt gene expression with high specificity. This innovative concept has aroused great attention of pharmaceutical scientists in developing of antisense DNA as potential therapeutic reagents. However, this approach has several shortcomings including instability, low membrane permeability. Although modified DNA have been synthesized to overcome these shortcomings, there is no analogue structure yet devised fulfils all the requirements of an ideal antisense effector so far. For the successful application of antisense DNA, it is prerequisite to take considerations in terms of biological stability, cellular uptake, hybridization efficiency, non-toxicity and delivery tools. In this review, basic concept of antisense strategy and possible application of antisense DNA as anti-inflammatory reagents will be discussed. Furthermore, the current trends and future prospects of antisense DNA will be addressed.
- 日本DDS学会の論文
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