焼結ステンレスパイプの諸特性に及ぼす粉末粒度および押出し条件の影響 (粉末冶金<特集>)
- 論文の詳細を見る
An investigation was made about the influence of particle size, extrusion and swaging conditions on the characteristics of sintered stainless steel tubes.(1) The density in the as extruded condition increased with decreasing particle size.(2) The density becomes higher in proportion to the reduction ratio of swaging.(3) The sintered filters of smaller filtration grade can be made, when the finer particle is used.(4) If coarse pores remain in sintered filters, the filtration grade is bigger. If the size of these pores can be reduced by swaging, the filtration grade becomes smaller.And it tends to be as big as the most frequently existing pore size in filter. In this condition, the radial crushing strength exhibits biggest.
- 大同特殊鋼株式会社の論文
久田 建男
久田 建男
大同特殊鋼 新分野開セ
富岡 達也
守田 只司
山下 淳治
富岡 達也
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