- 論文の詳細を見る
“Fukumidori” is a new clonal cultivar suitable for green tea.<BR>It was bred at Saitama Prefectural Tea Experiment Station, and was registered in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as a superior cultivar, “Cha Norin No.36”, in June 1986. “Fukumidori” was selected from the hybrids between “Yabukita” and “23F<SUB>1</SUB>-107” (“Sayamamidori” × “Yabukita”).<BR>Its pedigree is illustrated as follows.<BR>Its vegetative propagation is very easy because of its good rooting ability. And it shows vigorous growth and consistently high yielding from a young plant.<BR>As to the cold hardiness in winter, it is very hardy and more resistant than “Yabukita” (the leading cultivar in Japan).<BR>Its bud opening time is medium and the plucking time of it is about one day later than that of “Yabukita”.<BR>Its cup quality of the cultivar is very excellent, particularly in color of liquor and taste of the first crop.<BR>Therefore, “Fukumidori” is adapted to the northern areas of green tea production in Japan, such as Saitama and Ibaragi prefectures.
- 日本茶業技術協会の論文
渕之上 康元
淵之上 康元
淵之上 康元
岡野 信雄
北田 嘉一
岡野 信雄
北田 嘉一
渕之上 康元
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