- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to clarify the normal involutionary changes in the reproductive organs and adrenals which occur as a results of hypophysectomy, a histological study on these organs of hypophysectomized female mice was performed. Twenty immature and 28 mature mice of the bc strain were subjected hypophysectomy and autopsied at various periods ranging from 1 to 150 days after hypophysectomy. the operation the immature mice were 28 to 30 days of age, and the mature ones 2 months of age. autopsy, the organs to be studied were all dissected from the surrounding fatty connective tissue, weighed and prepared for histological studies. The fixatives and staining methods employed were the same as those described in our previous reports, except for some cases in which the organs were fixed in chilled 80% alcohol and stained for alkaline monoglycerophosphatase by Gomori's technic.<BR>Following hypophysectomy there was a fall in boby weight. The reproductive organs and adrenal glands regressed in weight and underwent a pronounced atrophy. The changes in organ weights are summarized in tables 1 and 2.<BR>Ovaries: A very rapid regression in size of ovaries took place. Thus there has been a loss of some 50% in weight on the 10th day after hypophysectomy. The first structures to show significant changes after hypophysectomy were large and medium sized follicles. Signs of atresia began to be seen as early as 24 hours, showing clumping of chromatin and achromatolysis of the granulosa cells. Later the thecal cells underwent atrophy, the ovum degenerated and on the 5th day no large follicles remained. Small follicles showed a gradual decrease in number and very few were seen on the 25th day, the ovary becoming to be filled with stromal cells. However, growth of the primordial follicles did not cease. They might develop to the beginning stage of antrum formation, because in the granulosa cells of the small follicles, although not numerous, mitosis were often seen. In the ovaries of prepuberally operated mice, pituitary defficiency manifestations were also evident. Since abvanced stages of follicular maturation did not occur in any case. The most interesting fact about alkaline phosphatase which has emerged from this study is that all follicles of varying size develop large quantities of the enzyme in the granulosa layer which is normally almost devoid of activity.<BR>Ovarian stroma: The ovarian stroma of the operated mice was composed of a highly cellular tissue with densely staining nuclei. The nuclei underwent a retrogressive process designated as "wheel cell formation".<BR>Corpora lutea: When corpora lutea were present, a process of degeneration began within 5 days and ended by the 20th day after the operation. Corpora lutea of pregnancy in the mice operated at midpregnancy, however, looked quite normal at the end of gestation.<BR>Uterus and Vagina: After the operation the uterus atrophied to a small and compact structure, very similar to that found in the spayed animals. The vaginal epithelium underwent a pronounced atrophy and the epithelium consisted of two layers of cells only.<BR>Adrenal gland: The adrenal glands underwent cortical atrophy in a marked degree and their individual cells decreased in size. The histological changes produced by hypophysectomy in the adrenal glands were almost the same as those described in our previous papers, but were somewhat prominent in females. It is of considerable interest that after operation alkaline phophatase developed in the adrenal medullary cells, which is normally devoid of activity in them.
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