幼畜の自然放牧による發育試驗に就て (第1報)
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Tow Holstein steers., three young Saanen goats (tow males, one female) and young Middle Yorkshire hogs were rangel for four month (from July to Oct., 1945) on the natural forest pasture of Uryu Experiment Forest of Hokkaido University, and their growth rate was measured monthly.1) Steer No. 1 which was 7.5 month of age at the begining of this experement gained 830g live weight daily, and No. 2 (5.5 month old), gained 662g on each average during the whole period. The authers recognize that the better growing results. were obtained by rainging on the natural pasture mainly consisting of bamboograss rather than the normal daily gain of 568g corresponding to their age.2) The growth rate of three experimental goats also exceeded the nolmal namely the daily live w e ight gain of the female goat was 153g and 91 those of male goats were 110g and 154g, while the standard daily live weight increase of corresponding age are 93g in female, 102g in male.3) On the contrary the piglings could not reach to the normal growth for reason of too poor digest abililty for coarse fodder to derive their neeessary nutrients thoroughly from such pasture grasses. Their daily increase were 194g and 238g which were inferior to the normal gain of 370g.4) At the end of the experiment the typical ones of each group were sraughtered to examine each slaughtering percentage. The resurts of the slaughtering test are as follows: Slaughtering percentage of total percentage meat to live weight Steer No.1 51.21% 28.19% Male goat No. 2 30.17% 15.07% Hog No. 2 66.77% 47.79%From the above data it is recognized that the steer No 1. was just medium flesh condition of Holstein cattle, but the pigling No. 2 was not desirably plump.It may be concluded from this study that the natural forest pasture mainly consisting of bamboo-grass in Hokkaido can be utilized for fattening catlle and oat.
- 社団法人 日本畜産学会の論文