- 論文の詳細を見る
Faunal response of bivalves and gastropods after the construction of the dyke for reclamation was compared among the case studies in Japan (Isahaya Bay) and Korea (Saemangeum and Sihwa). After the isolation of Isahaya Bay, aspects of water quality suddenly changed, and fauna of bivalves and gastropods was drastically replaced. In March 1997, before the dyke was completed, 15 species of marine bivalves and gastropods were collected in large numbers. These species were still alive in May 1997, but most of them had died off by August 1997. However, an introduced species, Potamocorbula sp. cf. P. laevis that was not found prior to the isolation of this bay, replaced the pre-isolation bivalve community. This species also increased in Saemangeum and Sihwa, western Korea after the dyke construction. Therefore, this species can survive and multiply alone through large environmental changes such as isolation. Fossils of Potamocorbula sp. were also found from several horizons in Pleistocene and Holocene deposits in Japan and China. These fossils have common features; 1) most specimens are less than 10 mm in shell length, 2) only this species densely occur in a shell bed, and 3) some marine bivalves occur in lower horizons of the shell bed. We observed that Potamocorbula sp. could survive and multiply alone after isolation, and we therefore suggest that aggregations of Potamocorbula shells in Pleistocene and Holocene deposits represent similar isolation events in the past.
- 日本ベントス学会の論文
- 2002-06-27
- 海域開発に伴う沿岸域生物群集の変化 : 韓国セマングム海域における大規模干拓堤防建設に伴う底生生物群集の変化に関する事例研究
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- 干拓堤防締切り後の諫早湾および有明海中央部における二枚貝類の変化(干潟の自然,その過去と現在)
- 干潟の自然,その過去と現在
- 韓国と日本で採集されたオオシャミセンガイ Lingula adamsi Dall, 1873 の形態および遺伝子レベルの比較
- 13. 日韓共同干潟調査による日韓の貝類相の生物地理学的比較(日本貝類学会平成 14 年度大会(西宮)研究発表要旨)
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- 東北地方の汽水湖に見られる希少な二枚貝類
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- 国際研究集会「二枚貝の生物学と進化」参加報告
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- 国際研究集会「二枚貝の生物学と進化」参加報告
- 諫早湾干拓地の現世古生態学
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