SAWSDL Service Discovery Based on Fine-Grained Data Semantics
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With the aim to improve the effectiveness of SAWSDL service discovery, this paper proposes a novel discovery method for SAWSDL services, which is based on the matchmaking of so-called fine-grained data semantics that is defined via sets of atomic elements with built-in data types. The fine-grained data semantics can be obtained by a transformation algorithm that decomposes parameters at message level into a set of atomic elements, considering the characteristics of SAWSDL service structure and semantic annotations. Then, a matchmaking algorithm is proposed for the matching of fine-grained data semantics, which avoids the complex and expensive structural matching at the message level. The fine-grained data semantics is transparent to the specific data structure of message-level parameters, therefore, it can help to match successfully similar Web services with different data structures of parameters. Moreover, a comprehensive measure is proposed by considering together several important components of SAWSDL service descriptions at the same time. Finally, this method is evaluated on SAWSDL service discovery test collection SAWSDL-TC2 and compared with other SAWSDL matchmakers. The experimental results show that our method can improve the effectiveness of SAWSDL service discovery with low average query response time. The results imply that fine-grained parameters fit to represent the data semantics of SAWSDL services, especially when data structures of parameters are not important for semantics.
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