マイクロ波プラズマCVDによる結晶性窒化炭素の合成 : −皮膜特性に及ぼす炭素源とH2添加効果−
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Carbon nitride has fascinating properties such as high hardness, high current density of field emission and so on. To obtain this material, generally CH4 is used as a carbon source. Therefore, to make clear the effects of the reaction gas on the preparation of carbon nitride, we tried to use C2H4 as a carbon source instead of CH4. However, crystalline carbon nitride has not been synthesized from the C2H4-N2 reaction gas system. On the other hand, quality of CVD diamond is improved by O2 addition for diamond growth. So, for the preparation of carbon nitride, H2 addition is expected to be efficient as well as O2 addition for the preparation of CVD diamond. Investigation was carried out on the preparation from the C2H4-N2-H2 reaction gas system using microwave plasma CVD.As a result of SEM observation, crystalline deposits were observed in the condition for H2 flow rate;3∼15 SCCM, C2H4 flow rate;1 SCCM and for H2 flow rate;9∼21 SCCM, C2H4 flow rate;2 SCCM. Morphologies were changed from amorphous to crystalline with increasing H2 flow rate. From AES estimation, peaks of C and N were observed in AES spectra of each sample. From XPS measurement, C-N bond and C=N bond were obtained in XPS spectra of each sample. The chemical bonding state were changed from C-N bonding to C=N bonding with increasing H2 flow rate.In conclusion, morphologies are changed from amorphous to crystalline, and chemical bonding state are changed from C-N bonding to C=N bonding with increasing H2 flow rate.
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