Usefulness of Hemilaminectomy for Cervical Intervertebral Disk Disease in Small Dogs
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Hemilaminectomy was performed to treat cervical disc disease in 18 small dogs. Cervical spinal cord compression was characterized by ventral and/or lateral compression on myelograms. The duration of follow-up examinations ranged from 2 to 72 months. The optimal response time after surgery ranged from 2 days to 3 months. The outcome was determined to be excellent if clinical signs resolved and the dog had completely improved. The outcome was determined to be good if the dog improved, but was not clinically normal or if the degree of the owner's satisfaction was insufficient. Fourteen dogs achieved complete neurologic recovery without complications. One dog was initially neurologically worse after surgery, but ultimately improved to normal neurologic status. These outcomes were judged to be excellent. In the remaining 3 dogs, 2 dogs had relapse of neck pain and one dog remained mildly ataxic. These outcomes were judged to be good. These results suggest that hemilaminectomy is an effective option for surgical treatment of spinal cord compression secondary to cervical disc disease in small dogs.
- 公益社団法人 日本獣医学会の論文
TAKASE Katsuaki
Department of Small Animal Surgery 1, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University
TANAKA Hiroshi
Nakayama Veterinary Hospital
Nakayama Masanari
Nakayama Veterinary Hospital
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