Separate Development of Nitric Oxide Synthase- and Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide-Immunoreactive Nerves Arising from the Vertebral Artery in the Rat
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Development of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-immunoreactive (-IR) nerves supplying the basilar and vertebral arteries (BA and VA) was investigated in White Wistar rats, using double immunohistochemistry. NOS-IR and VIP-IR nerves via the anterior circulation (AC), which mostly expressed NO+/VIP+, extended to the BA during the second postnatal week, and usually reached as far as the rostral two third of the BA on PND 20. NOS-IR nerves were completely lack in the cBA and the VA on PND10, and often absent from these arterial regions even at PND 20. Nevertheless, a small number of VIP+/NOS- nerves were localized in the walls from the caudal BA (cBA) to the VA on PND 5. On PND 20, they frequently met with the descending NOS-IR and VIP-IR nerves via the AC around the lower portion of the middle BA. Fiber bundles containing NOS+/VIP+ axons were first visualized on the caudal VA at PND 30 and observed frequently at PND 80, with a distinct increase in number of NOS-IR and VIP-IR nerves supplying the cBA and the VA. Thus, NOS-IR nerves coming from the VA develop through its own characteristic sequence that lags markedly behind the time of appearance for VIP-IR nerves from the same vascular route and for NOS-IR and VIP-IR nerves via the AC.
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- 外傷,不眠,うつ状態 (特集 妊婦のひとことに潜んでいる問題は? 保健指導でキャッチ 異常徴候の見分け方)
- 日本語版抑うつ状態チェックリストの改訂
- 判例研究 無令状により実施された宅配荷物のエックス線検査が違法であるが,同エックス線検査と関連して押収された覚せい剤の証拠能力については肯定された事例[最高裁平成21.9.28決定]
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- 動かないコンピュータ 日本年金機構 年金を4000万円過払い 発端は3年前の「年金記録問題」