Surgical Simulation of Cerebral Revascularization Via Skull Base Approaches in the Posterior Circulation Using Three-Dimensional Skull Model With Artificial Brain and Blood Vessels
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Posterior circulation revascularization is a challenging technique because microanastomosis must be performed in deep locations. A reproducible simulation model is proposed for training. The prototype three-dimensional skull model with artificial brain was used. The mesencephalic segment of superior cerebellar artery (SCA) and the caudal loop of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) were made from artificial blood vessels and glued on the brain. The skull model was drilled to perform the presigmoid transpetrosal approach and then superficial temporal artery-SCA anastomosis was performed under the operating microscope. The skull model was also drilled to perform the far lateral approach and then occipital artery-PICA anastomosis was performed. The skull model with artificial brain and arteries allows simulation and training in the surgical techniques of posterior circulation revascularization with skull base approaches.
論文 | ランダム
- 忙中日誌(2003年3月7日〜3月31日・最終回)
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