Toroidal Flow Velocity Profile of Impurity Ions in Field-Reversed Configuration Plasma
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Particle orbits of impurity ions are calculated in order to estimate their toroidal flow velocity. If the impurity ion flow differs from the ion flow, Doppler shift measurement of impurity spectra requires a suitable modification of experimental results. At the field null, the carbon ion flow coincides with the deuterium ion flow due to the friction force between them. At the separatrix, however, impurity and plasma ions each have their own flow velocities. The diamagnetic drift, which depends on the charge and mass of each fluid species, is found to dominate the toroidal flow velocity.
Asai Tomohiko
College Of Science And Technology Nihon University
Takahashi Tsutomu
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
Takahashi Toshiki
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery National Hospital Organization Osaka Medical Center
Department of Electronic Engineering, Gunma University, Kiryu 376-8515, Japan
IKEDA Tatsuya
Department of Electronic Engineering, Gunma University, Kiryu 376-8515, Japan
- 5.おわりに(極限的高ベータプラズマ閉じ込め:FRC研究の新展開)
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