航空機を対象とするエンジニアリング デザイン教育の試み
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Department of aeronautics is founded at Kanazawa Institute of Technology in 2004 to educate future engineers who will be able to play an important role in the aircraft design and development at aviation industries. Authors, who are teaching staffs at the department, have developed an engineering education program based on the aircraft design for senior students. The features of the program are as follows : (1) Students design not the part of an aircraft but a whole aircraft. (2) One student designs one aircraft. (3) The aircraft which a student designs should includes new ideas to improve the performance compared to that of currently-operated aircrafts. In this report, the education program mentioned above is presented. It is observed that most students in this program work hard to acquire knowledge on the aeronautical engineering field and skills to conduct computer simulation through the design process of the aircraft.
論文 | ランダム
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