Determination of Pressure Dependence of Permeability Characteristics from Single Constant Pressure Filtration Test
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The single constant pressure filtration test for dilute colloidal dispersions has been newly developed for easily determining the pressure dependence of the permeability characteristics such as the average specific cake resistance. The method made use of the gradual variation of the effective pressure drop across the filter cake with time generated by using the filter medium with a high medium resistance. The correlations between the average specific cake resistance and the effective pressure were obtained from the flux decline data. The data of the flux decline behavior obtained for the various values of the slurry concentration, applied pressure and medium resistance were largely merged by the normalized form of the reciprocal filtration rate vs. the filtrate volume. The validity of the method was confirmed not only for slurries of bentonite, Hara-Gairome clay, and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), but also for nanoparticle colloids of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and silica sol.
論文 | ランダム
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