Off-gas Dust in an Experimental Blast Furnace : Part 2: Relation to Furnace Conditions
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In the blast furnace process, material losses are caused by particles that are blown out of the furnace by the off-gas. In order to reduce these losses, it is important to understand the correlations between furnace conditions and off-gas dust formation. Off-gas dust, as flue dust and sludge, were collected during shaft probe sampling in LKAB Experimental Blast Furnace (EBF). Process data was used to evaluate the relationship between off-gas dust amounts and furnace conditions. The graphitization degree (Lc value) of shaft coke and coke in flue dust was determined using XRD measurements. Solution loss in the shaft had a negligible effect on coke degradation and the coke particles which ended up in the flue dust were mainly derived from abrasion at low temperatures. The amount of alkali and SiO2 in sludge increased with higher PCR and flame temperature, which confirmed that submicron spherical particles in sludge originated from the high temperature area around the raceway. Theoretical critical particle diameters of materials, which could be blown out with the off-gas, were estimated. Flow conditions in the top of the shaft as well as and the properties of fine particles in terms of size and density are important when outflow of mechanical dust, such as flue dust, is concerned. Low off-gas temperatures, and thus lower off-gas velocities, are favourable for low flue dust amounts expelled from the blast furnace.
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