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Conventional voltage equalizers or equalization chargers, which are used for series-connected energy storage cells to eliminate cell voltage imbalance, consisting of a number of switches or transformers tend to be complex with the number of series connection of the energy storage cells. A novel voltage equalization charger consisting only of capacitors, diodes, and an ac power source is proposed, and its dc equivalent circuit expressed by resistors and a dc power source is derived in this paper. Experimental charge tests demonstrated that series-connected EDLCs could be charged up to the uniform voltage by the proposed equalization charger.
論文 | ランダム
- 後発顕在型不法行為と民法724条後段の20年期間の起算点--規範的損害概念の提唱及び公訴時効との異同について
- 企画趣旨および民法学の視点から (ミニ・シンポジウム=戦後60年と戦後補償訴訟の現在)
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