Web 調査における二種類の質問紙調査の回答の比較 : 発育発達に関わるライフスタイルの要因の文脈効果, 順序効果, 自由回答
- 論文の詳細を見る
Questionnaire surveys have used to investigate many problems. When a questionnaire is prepared, it is necessary to consider the attribute, bias, and, size of the sample. However, the actual preparation faces a lot of restrictions. For instance, the time for preliminary research, excluding the investigation periods, is limited, and thus enlarging the sample size to make the test statistically significant is not easy. The above-mentioned limitation is a real problem, and while preparing the questionnaire similar problems can be encountered.In this research, we prepared a questionnaire with items concerning lifestyle that were related to the growth and development area verified the differences in responses based on the difference in the context and order and whether the question are open ended or closed ended. A total of 1366 subjects participated in the online survey. Two almost uniform groups were made based on the attributes of age and sex, and questionnaires with the same question in different order were distributed to each group.The result showed an effect of the context and order even though it was a questionnaire concerning the lifestyle. In addition, the order effect was observed and a different reaction in the item in not any primary effect and new intrinsic deflection but the middle was observed to characterized, and to be seen. The results suggest that it is preferable to conduct preliminary research with two or more questionnaire with same question in different order in any questionnaire survey.
- 日本発育発達学会の論文
衞藤 隆
永井 大樹
衞藤 隆
衞藤 隆
永井 大樹
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