Relation between Serum Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide, Myoglobin, CK Levels and Morbidity and Mortality in High Voltage Electrical Injuries
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Objective In our study, in addition to evaluating the relation between Pro-Brain natriuretic peptide (Pro-BNP), myoglobin and creatinine kinase (CK) levels and morbidity and mortality, we aimed at identifying the demographic characteristics of patients admited to emergency service after exposure to high electrical voltage. Methods In this prospective study, 48 emergency service patients exposed to high electric voltage were included; 19 healthy individuals were included as the control group. Their blood samples and electrocardiographies (ECG) were taken at the time of recourse upon their written approval. Demographic data and laboratory data were checked and compared among the patient group. We investigated the correlation between inpatients that had special clinical manifestations (escaratomy, fasciotomy, exitus, myoglobulinuria, third-degree burn, arrhythmia and etc.) and serum Pro-BNP, myoglobin and CK levels. Results When serum Pro-BNP, myoglobulin and CK levels were compared for the special clinical manifestations; the pro-BNP levels were statistically significantly higher in patients who had arrhythmia than in those without arrhythmia, and significantly higher in patients who died than in those who healed (respectively p=0.002 and p=0.007). In contrast, serum CK and myoglobin levels were not statistically significant. The serum CK and myoglobin levels were statistically significantly higher in patients who had third-degree burn than the others (p<0.001). Conclusion Serum pro-BNP level is a marker that can be used for mortality and morbidity with patients exposed to high voltage electrical injuries.
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