3D Modeling and Visualization of Geology Volume based on Geophysical Field Data
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3D modeling and visualization of geology volume is very important to interpret accurately and locate subsurface geology volume for mining exploration and deep prospecting. However, it faces a lack of information because the target area is usually unexplored and lacks geological data. This paper presents our experience in applying a 3D model of geology volume based on geophysics. This work has researched and developed a 3D visualization system. It is based on an OO (orientated object) approach and modular programming, uses the C++ language and Microsoft .NET platform. This system has built first a high resistivity method and MT database. The system uses irregular tetrahedrons to construct its model and then finally has built the 3D geological model itself.
論文 | ランダム
- 調達 豊岡市と養父市のコンストラクション・マネジメント業務 設計者や施工者の選定を支援 (特集 民間活用が広げる土木の可能性--第三者性や専門性を生かして官の限界を打破)
- 地方発「再生の風景」 PFIで国道沿いの地域振興拠点を整備--道の駅ようか但馬蔵(兵庫県養父市)
- 蚕糸絹業の里を訪ねて--上垣守国養蚕記念館(兵庫県養父市)
- 養父市立大屋小学校--東畑建築事務所 (特集 学校に新しい息吹を)
- 地域に開かれた公民館(文部科学省優良公民館) 学びを活かす--参画と協働のまちづくり 兵庫県養父市立養父公民館