自動車メーカーの新興国への段階的参入戦略 : ―ロシアへのトヨタ自動車の参入を事例として―
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This paper tries to clarify the step-by-step entry strategy to emerging countries by automobile manufacturer. Especially we focus on the entry processes to Russian market by Toyota Motor. And we divide the entry processes to Russia by Toyota into three stages and analyze each stage. And then, we generalize the entry strategy and export channel management by Japanese auto manufacturers and compare the U.S. automobile manufacturers. Our fact findings are as follows. Firstly the export channels to Russian market by Toyota Motor since 1970s have been changing gradually from spot export channel to automobile sales exclusive company channel, and then auto manufacturers subsidiary distributor channel according to the sales volume. We refer these transition to step-by-step entry strategy and export channel management. Secondly in the case of U.S automobile manufacturers, they do not have an option of using the general trading company as export channel. They have to utilize only manufacturers subsidiary distributor and local company. On the other hand, Japanese auto manufacturers can choose the general trading company. The general trading company possibly could exercise the high capability. In this sense, Japanese auto manufacturers could have the competitiveness in the step-by-step entry strategy and export channel management and then have the competence of global marketing capability.
- 産業学会の論文
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