中性脂肪による放線菌Nocardia amaraeの急速な増殖·浮上と細胞外構造体の疎水性
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The effect of carbon sources on the growth of an actinomycete Nocardia amarae isolated from scum were investigated. Neutral fat medium allowed faster proliferation and greater cell yield of the actinomycete than glucose and organic acid media : polyester granules were intracellularly stored in the neutral fat medium. More than 7 days of lag were required for growth when hydrocarbon was used. Long chain fatty acids did not afford the cell growth.The hydrophobic carbon sources brought about the floatation of the actinomycete, while the hydrophilic carbon sources allowed dispersive growth. Surface proteins of N. amarae exhibited affinity to hydrophobic substances. It was likely that hydrophobic property of cell exterior constructed by the surface proteins caused the capture of the actinomycete at the gas-liquid and oil-water interfaces together with that of cell wall.
- 社団法人 日本水環境学会の論文
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