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In this article, recent advances in the fundamental high pressure research for the phase equilibria of mixtures containing liquid crystals were reviewed. The effect of pressure on the crystal-nematic and nematic-isotropic phase transition temperatures, TCN and TNI, was investigated for MBBA (n-(4-methoxybenzylidene)-4-n-butylaniline), EBBA(n-(4-ethoxybenzylidene)-4-n-butylaniline), and binary mixtures containing these components such as (MBBA+EBBA), and (MBBA, EBBA+ benzene, n-hexadecane) at temperatures from 263 to 363 K and pressures up to 200 MPa. The measurements of TCN and TNI were performed using a compact high-pressure optical vessel designed for direct visual observation with the aid of a video microscope, and a three-terminal cylindrical capacitor for dielectric study. The effects of pressure and admixing of a nematic and non-mesogenic second component on the phase transitions are discussed.
曽谷 知弘
田中 嘉之
松尾 成信
神戸大学工学部 応用化学科
楊 明
神戸大学工学部 応用化学科
守時 正人
神戸大学工学部 応用化学科
曽谷 知弘
神戸大学工学部 応用化学科
田中 嘉之
神戸大学工学部 応用化学科
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- 特集にあたって
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