Search for Kinases Related to Transition of Growth Polarity in Fission Yeast
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In eukaryotes, cell polarity is essential for cell proliferation, differentiation, and development. It is regulated in 3 steps: establishment, maintenance, and transition. Compared to current knowledge of establishment and maintenance, the mechanism regulating the transition of cell polarity is poorly understood. In fission yeast during the G2 phase, growth polarity undergoes a dramatic transition, from monopolar to bipolar growth (termed NETO: new end take off). In this study, we screened systematically for protein kinases related to NETO using a genome-wide kinase deletion library. Analysis of these deletions suggested that 35 and 2 kinases had a putative positive and a negative role, respectively, in NETO. Moreover, 5 kinases were required for NETO-delay in the G1-arrested cdc10 mutant. These results suggest that many signaling pathways are involved in the regulation of NETO.
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