楕円軌道上における群衛星の3 次元幾何形状の維持に関する検討
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In recent years, there has been impending interest in the formation flying with many satellites. Multiple satellite system enhances the missions flexibility with less total mass and cost, and realize some missions that were impossible with a single satellite. At the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS/JAXA), the plasma and magnetic field observation missions with several satellites is under investigation. The mission under consideration is designated as SCOPE(GEOTAIL-II). The observation area of the SCOPE mission is twenty or thirty earth radii away from the center of the earth where the geomagnetic field has interaction with the energetic particles from the sun. Therefore its orbit becomes highly elliptic. In the observation area, the formation of plural satellites is requested to constitute a polygon that assures the high spatial resolution observation. This study show the orbital design method for the SCOPE mission. The frozen property that maintains high spatial resolution near the apogee is found feasible for elliptic orbit. Numerical examples are presented with practical illustrations.
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