潤滑油内包マイクロカプセル複合ニッケルめっき : —マイクロカプセル調製と共析の確認—
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Nickel and oil-containing microcapsule composite coatings were fabricated. The oil-containing microcapsules were synthesized by the interfacial polymerization of the oil-soluble and water-soluble monomers. The influences of the intension substance and the surfactant on the size distribution were discussed. The surface and the cross-section of the oil-containing microcapsules composite coatings were observed by scanning electron microscope. From the result of the observation, it was found that microcapsules were involved in the nickel matrix. Furthermore, a new composite plating method, in which the 100% of the microcapsules in the electrolyte solution were incorporated into the nickel matrix, was developed. In addition, the stability of microcapsules in the nickel matrix was investigated. It was confirmed that microcapsules in the nickel matrix were stable.
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