Multisource Broadcasting on de Bruijn and Kautz Digraphs Using Isomorphic Factorizations into Cycle-Rooted Trees
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Multi-source broadcasting is one of the information dissemination problems on communication networks such that some units disseminate distinct messages to all other units. In this paper, we study multi-source broadcasting on the de Bruijn and Kautz digraphs which are the models of interconnection networks. In [8] and [12], a cycle-rooted tree which has a large root-cycle is constructed by composition of isomorphic factors, and the multi-source broadcasting is executed on the cycle-rooted tree. On the other side, we execute multi-source broadcasting on each isomorphic factors at the same time. We present a method for multi-source broadcasting using isomorphic cycle-rooted trees which factorize these digraphs, and investigate its efficiency.
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