いま求められている薬剤師倫理教育とは? —「薬学教育モデル・コアカリキュラム」はその羅針盤となり得るか?—
- 論文の詳細を見る
Section A of “The core curriculum model for pharmacy education” (2002)— “Learning about Humanism”— outlines the educational contents for ethics in pharmaceutical departments. People who read this section are likely to conclude that the cultivation of human sensitivity is of prime importance in ethics education in pharmacy. However, if a pharmacist found herself or himself on the horns of a moral dilemma during clinical practice, she/he may discover that human sensitivity alone may not provide the answer. When searching for ethically appropriate conduct in concrete cases, both moral insight and good judgment are necessary. The main contents of ethics education in a pharmaceutical department should be instruction in the ethics of medicine and pharmacy and practical exercises in handling moral dilemmas that pharmacists might encounter in actual situations. “Humanism” implies not only humanitarianism but also anthropocentrism. Plants, animals, and ecological systems are considered to be objects of ethical concern in some contemporary ethics, such as L. Sieps “Concrete Ethics (Konkrete Ethik, 2004)”. The pharmacists job specifications require her or him to treat laboratory animals ethically and to have environmental consciousness. Humanism-based ethics are too narrow for pharmacy ethics. Pharmacy students should learn a more comprehensive ethics that covers social ethics, bioethics, and environmental ethics. Such ethics and moral training should be given, especially, both before and after long-term practical training in hospitals and pharmacies.
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