Isolation and Characterization of a Pathogenic Newcastle Disease Virus from a Natural Case in Indonesia
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This study was performed to isolate a velogenic Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain currently found in Indonesia for establishing a domestic reference virus for future pathological and molecular epidemiological studies. A chicken suspected to have contracted Newcastle disease (ND) in a local outbreak in Bali was selected for NDV isolation. Atrophy of lymphoid tissues such as the bursa of Fabricius, thymus, and spleen; intestinal haemorrhage; and oedema of the brain were observed in the chicken. Histopathological examination revealed severe non-suppurative meningoencephalomyelitis characterised by neuronal necrosis, multifocal to diffuse gliosis, and perivascular cuffing of mononuclear cells, hemorrhagic necrosis of the trachea, intestines and bursa of Fabricius, and various degree of lymphoid depletion and necrosis of the lymphoid tissues. After ND was confirmed immunohistochemically, the NDV was propagated by inoculating tissue homogenate of the diseased chicken in embryonated eggs. Phylogenetic analysis based on the F gene nucleotide sequence revealed that this isolate belonged to genotype VII. The deduced amino acid sequence of the isolated NDV F protein at the cleavage site was 112RRQKRF117, which is typically found in virulent NDV isolates. Pathogenicity indexes such as the mean death time (MDT) and intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI) were 54 hr and 1.77, respectively. Pathological findings, phylogenetic analysis, amino acid sequence of the F protein cleavage site, and pathogenicity index test results revealed the NDV isolate, designated as NDV/Bali-1/07, to be a novel Indonesian velogenic NDV strain belonging to group VII.
林 良博
林 良博
Hayashi Y
Hadepartment Of Environmental Technology And Urban Planning Nagoya Institute Of Technology
HAYASHI Yoshihiro
Laboratory of Global Animal Resource Science, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The
Laboratory of Global Animal Resource Science, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The
Adi Anak
Pathology Laboratory Department of Animal Disease, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana Universit
Astawa Nyoman
Virology Laboratory, Department of Animal Disease, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana Universit
Putra Ketut
Virology Laboratory, Disease Investigation Center
HAYASHI Yoshihiro
Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Laboratory Of Global Animal Resource Science Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences Unive
Matsumoto Yasunobu
Laboratory Of Global Animal Resource Science Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences Unive
林 良博
東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科 国際動物資源科学研究室
HAYASHI Yoshihiro
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
HAYASHI Yoshihiro
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Faculty of Agriculture,The University of Tokyo
Laboratory of Global Animal Resource Science, Department of Global Agricultural Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
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