Effects of Various Selective Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors on Relaxation and Cyclic Nucleotide Contents in Porcine Iris Sphincter
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The effects of various selective phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors on muscle contractility and cyclic nucleotide contents in porcine iris sphincter were investigated. Forskolin and sodium nitroprusside inhibited carbachol (CCh)-induced contraction in a concentration-dependent manner. Various selective PDE inhibitors, vinpocetine (type 1), erythro -9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)adenine (EHNA, type 2), milrinone (type 3), Ro20-1724 (type 4) and zaprinast (type 5), also inhibited CCh-induced contraction in a concentration-dependent manner. The rank order of potency of IC50 was zaprinast > Ro20-1724 > EHNA ≥ milrinone > vinpocetine. In the presence of CCh (0.3 μM), vinpocetine, milrinone and Ro20-1724 increased cAMP, but not cGMP, contents. In contrast, zaprinast and EHNA both increased cGMP, but not cAMP, contents. This indicates that vinpocetine-, milrinone- and Ro20-1724-induced relaxation is correlated with cAMP, while EHNA- and zaprinast- induced relaxation is correlated with cGMP in porcine iris sphincter.
- 社団法人 日本獣医学会の論文
Yogo Takuya
Nippon Veterinary And Life Sci. Univ. Tokyo
KANEDA Takeharu
Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary and Life Scienc
URAKAWA Norimoto
Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary and Life Scienc
SHIMIZU Kazumasa
Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary and Life Scienc
Yogo Takuya
Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
Nezu Yoshinori
Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
HARA Yasushi
Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
TAGAWA Masahiro
Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
Hara Yasushi
Laboratory Of Veterinary Surgery Department Of Veterinary Nippon Veterinary And Animal Science Unive
Shimizu Kazumasa
Laboratory Of Biomass Sciences Department Of Forest Sciences And Resources College Of Bioresource Sc
Tagawa Masahiro
Laboratory Of Veterinary Surgery Department Of Veterinary Nippon Veterinary And Animal Science Unive
Urakawa Norimoto
Laboratory Of Veterinary Pharmacology Department Of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary And Life Science
Kaneda Takeharu
Laboratory Of Veterinary Pharmacology Department Of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary And Life Science
KANEDA Takeharu
Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
URAKAWA Norimoto
Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
SHIMIZU Kazumasa
Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
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