- 論文の詳細を見る
Objective: The color word conflict test, a frontal lobe function test, requires quite a burden for older respondents to answer all 100 items. Therefore, we made a new shortened version test and examined its reliability and validityMethods: 144 subjects (mean age 48.0, SD 23.8), 54 university students and 90 healthy community people in Nagano, were included to assess the shortened version of Color Stroop Test along with the position Stroop test. The screening test of dementia: RDST-J was tested by those subjects aged over 60 years. To show its reliability, the shortened version of Color Stroop Test was re-tested by university students one week later.Results & Discussion: The shortened version of Color Stroop Test consumed less time and energy than the original. The shortened version of Color Stroop Test on speed performance (complete time) was a significant correlation between the position Stroop test except for within 60 years old. These results suggest that the shortened version of Color Stroop Test is used as a simple assessment tool at any clinical settings. However, accuracy performance (the number of uncorrected errors) didnt reveal the relationship clearly.
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