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There was little information regarding the adverse health effects to humans or animals arising from exposure to indium compounds until mid 1990. However, due to the increasingly frequent industrial use of indium such as indium-tin oxide (ITO), the potential occupational or environmental exposure to indium compounds has attracted much attention. In 2001, the first case of interstitial pneumonia caused by exposure to ITO occupationally was reported. Recent animal studies have indicated the pulmonary or testicular toxicity of indium compounds. Furthermore, carcinogenicity of InP was demonstrated by the inhalation study in rats and mice and that of InAs was suspected in the intratracheal instillation study using hamsters. It appeared that indium was toxic when released from the particles, though the physical characteristics of the particles also contribute to toxic effect. It is necessary to pay much greater attention to the human exposure of indium, indium compounds or ITO.
- 日本エアロゾル学会の論文
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