- 論文の詳細を見る
This clinical study was aimed at investigating the utility of an arthroscopic Bankart's repair for a second anterior dislocation of the shoulder. The subjects consisted of patients with a second anterior dislocation of the shoulder joint with a history of a frank trauma and followed-up for more than one year after surgery. The second dislocation of the shoulder happened within 5 months from the initial dislocation. We perfomed Morgan's technique (3 cases), Harbermeyer's technique (2 cases) and the suture anchor technique (1 case). There were 5 males and one famale. The ages of the patients at operation ranged from 14 to 27 (average, 18.8). The follow-up period ranged from 12 months to 86 months (average 33 months). The results were evaluate by Rowe's scoring system. The average Rowe's score was 85.8 points (50-100). According to Rowe's criteria the clinical results were graded excellent in 4 cases, good in 1 case and poor in 1 case. There was subluxation in one case, the positive apprehension sign in one case and 10 degrees loss of external rotation in one case. The cases with a second antetior dislocation of the shoulder should be diagnosed by an arthroscopy and treated by arthroscopic Bankart's repair, especially when we consider their ages and activities for preventing the recurrence of a shoulder dislocation.
- 日本肩関節学会の論文
小竹 俊郎
山川 知之
三菱京都病院 リハビリテーション科
松末 吉隆
Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
中川 泰彰
Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
中村 孝志
Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
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