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The present study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of our arthroscopic repairing procedure for bursal side partial-thickness rotator cuff tear where only the torn cuff was debrided and sutured without converting to a full- thickness tear to the humeral head with single-row anchor(s). Because the articular footprint of bursal side partial-thickness rotator cuff tear was intact. We compared the clinical results with those of arthroscopic single-row repair for full-thickness rotator cuff. Partial-thickness tear types of Ellmans type B2 and B3 were indicative of this procedure. These patients (partial tear group: PTG) and those with full-thickness tear treated with single-row fixation (full-thickness tear group: FTG) were followed up for more than 12 months postoperatively, and analyzed. There were 15 patients (16 shoulders) in PTG, and 16 patients (17 shoulders) in FTG. The average age was 57.7 years old in PTG and 62.1 years old in FTG. At operation time, the Japanese Orthopaedic Association score (JOA score), strength of shoulder abduction and external rotation were measured and compared between these two groups at 6 and 12 months postoperatively. We also evaluated the postoperative MRIs. The average operation time was 154 minutes in PTG and 162 minutes in FTG. The average JOA score improved from 71.3 to 90.3 at 6 months and 97.4 at 12 months in PTG, while it did from 66.5 to 89.2 and 95.1 in FTG. The average strength of shoulder abduction and external rotation increased from 4.5kg to 4.8kg and 6.3kg and from 5.6kg to 7.6kg and 9.2kg, respectively, in PTG. They increased from 2.8kg to and 4.8kg and 6.3kg and from 4.2kg to 7.1kg and 8.3kg, respectively, in FTG. There were no statistical differences between the groups. Postoperative MRIs did not show any re-torn cuff in both either groups. This technique is relatively simple, and fairly applicable to PTG.
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