- 論文の詳細を見る
Range of motion (ROM) was a functional evaluation of the shoulder joint, yet there were various methods to evaluate the activities of daily living (ADL) using the upper arms. It was possible to evaluate ROM of the shoulder joint and ADL simultaneously. Using spatial zones centered on the shoulder joint, a classification into 6 zones was performed. Zone 1 for inner lower space, Zone 2 for inner upper space, Zone 3 for exterior lower space, Zone 4 for exterior upper space, and Zone 5 for lower and rear space, Zone 6 for upper and rear space. Within each zone, upper arm actions in ADL were classified. (1) ADL items using the upper arms were given to 20 adults, and 30 of the more frequent actions were extracted. Subsequently, other actions were given, and 100 ADL items extracted. (2) The 100 ADL items were classified and compared, using the zone at the humerus and the zone at the hands and fingers. (3) The 100 ADL items were classified into each zone. (4) Actions of the dominant hand in ADL were A group, actions executable with 1 hand were B group, and actions with both hands were C group. The abovementioned 100 items were classified into respective groups. (2) When classifying at the humerus, inner/external rotation in the shoulder joints was excluded, but when classifying at the hands and fingers, inner/external rotation was reflected. Therefore, it was possible that the classification zone at the hands and fingers may be used to evaluate the functions of the shoulder joint. It is also believed that people can perform approximately half of the actions even if the diseased hand is on their dominant side.
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- パネルIに関する質疑応答
- Frozen Shoulder の鏡視下手術について
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