Fouling characteristics of PVDF microfiltration membranes in a pilot-scale drinking water production system after a coagulation/sedimentation using PSI (polysilicato-iron) and PACl (polyaluminium chloride)
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A pilot-scale microfiltration polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane with multiple pore sizes (0.1 μm and 0.05 μm) was operated after a coagulation/sedimentation using a polysilicato iron (PSI) as coagulant has been fabricated and operated. As a result, turbidity was removed completely and organic matter, humic substances, and metals (Al, Fe) were removed very well by the experimental system. Accordingly, it was concluded that a membrane with a dense skin was more effective for reducing membrane fouling than a membrane with homogeneous structure although the nominal pore size of the former (0.05 μm) was smaller than that of the latter (0.1 μm). It still remains to study the effects on membrane fouling of the interaction between organic and oxidized inorganic matters (such as Fe and Mn) which occure during pre-chlorination.
論文 | ランダム
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