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When cutting up billets with hot saw, it is unavoidable for cut chips to develop into burr around billets edge. It is often that billets are cut slantwise with saw distorted owing to the increase in cutting resistance with operation. It has been therefore tried to cut edge 2-dimensionaly for burr free. This method, however, has such problems as partially removed burr. The authors have been successful in developing a 3-dimensinal control system for cutting the edge of not only round but also rectangular billet faces even with slantwise faces and no limit in shape of billets. The system has features that the equipment measures the gradient of billet faces and cross section profile and these data are used to extract the edge coordinate of billets face having no burr. An optical 3-D shape measuring system is used to measure the gradient and also optical range finder to measure the profile. The optical measuring system has good feature to measure billet shape with little influence by the condition of billet surface. As a result of the off-line test in which edge of round and rectangular billet faces were cut, the system has shown good effects as follows: (1) The rate of not removed burr is 0%. (2) It attains, with probability of more than 90%, that scatter of cut edge width is within 1mm.
- 電気製鋼研究会の論文
中村 薫
遠藤 敏夫
布施 直紀
大同特殊鋼株式会社 技術開発研究所
小島 勉
布施 直紀
中村 薫
遠藤 敏夫
大同工業大学 工学部,工博
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