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This paper presents a new continuation power flow method with the nonlinear predictor of the Lagrange’s polynomial interpolation formula. The continuation power flow method is useful for drawing P-V curves. The conventional power flow method to be studied is based on the predictor-corrector method and has a drawback that the linear predictor of the predictor-corrector method results in heavy computational effort with the large step size. That is because the predictor deviates from an actual solution significantly. In this paper, a nonlinear approximate predictor is proposed to reduce the error between the predictor and actual solution, and enhance the solvability of the problem. To construct the nonlinear approximate predictor, this paper makes use of the Lagrange’s polynomial interpolation formula because of the straightforward algorithm. It is expected that the nonlinear approximate predictor reduces the computational time and improves the robustness of the algorithm. The proposed method is successfully applied in the 118 and 235 node systems.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
- 2003-04-01
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