恐怖感情は伝染するか? : 選択的注意配分行動による検討
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Using a brain-imaging technique, Breiter et al. (1996) and Morris et al. (1996) showed that the amygdala, which is known to respond to threatening stimuli, is activated when participants view fearful facial expressions. These results imply that fear is transferable between individuals. The purpose of this study was to provide behavioral evidence for ‘fear contagion’ using a probe detection task to measure attention bias following exposure to either fear-relevant or fear-neutral primes. As expected, the results revealed a fear-specific response bias in which participants selectively directed their attention towards a fearful facial-expression after being primed with a fear-face. Conversely, selective attention was not observed with neutral-face, sad-face, or snake primes. Interestingly, participants tended to selectively avoid a picture of a snake following a fear-face prime. Implications of these findings and future directions are discussed.
- 日本感情心理学会の論文
- 永田良昭・飛田操(編), 『現代社会を社会心理学で読む』, 2009年, ナカニシヤ出版
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